
Guelder Rose is a beautiful vine plant but its berries should be treated with some caution, never eaten raw unless guided.

As with all natural remedies consumption of Guelder Rose
should be guided by a qualified herbalist or physician.
This information here is for information purposes only,
and certainly not for prescription.

best use ...  

as with Rowan, if you use Guelder Rose fruits, cook well and make a condiment, but consume it with moderation

qualities of Guelder Rose are said to be ...

antispasmodic - relief of physical and muscular tension, asthma, cramps etc.
astringent - reduces fluid loss, constricts tissues, such as stop bleeding
sedative - calming relief of mental and nervous tension

toxicity? ...  as all plants have a nourishing level and toxic level

Guelder Rose Berries should be treated the same as for rowan and are sometimes used as a substitute. Quite safe for most people when cooked, and less toxic than raw rowan berries. However, for safety, all consumption of raw material from Guelder Rose should be guided by a qualified herbalist.

to read about the crafting potential of Guelder Rose, please click here